Love Addiction Symptoms and How Can You Identify Them

Falling in love is an experience that every person has to go through at one point in their lives. And if they are not prepared, sometimes it can be very overwhelming. The euphoric feelings that come when someone thinks of their loved ones are comparable to a drug and as a result can often become addicting which leads to unhealthy behavior and obsession. So how do you know when you have these love addiction symptoms? Well allow me to shed some light on what they are.

The symptoms of love addiction are often completely mental; however, they can lead to physical symptoms as well if unchecked.

1.) The first love addiction symptom that one usually notices is the inability to think about anything else. This usually occurs in the early stages and is the cause of many issues such as a drop in grades and a change in diet. The affected often finds themselves day dreaming about the other person and planning out their entire future together.

2.) Another symptom of love addiction is being unable to go an entire day without talking to the other person. Whether it be through text, email, phone, or in person you will feel as if you must be talking to the person at all times of the day. This is a particularly problematic symptom because it can often lead to not having anything to talk about or the realization that the person isn't as interesting as you originally thought. It is similar to spending too much time with the person.

3.) The third symptom that I will cover is being unwilling to let go. This occurs when you know that the person you are with is absolutely no good for you, but yet you are unwilling to let them go and move on. This can be a very dangerous symptom in nature and if you are experiencing this I highly suggest that you seek help in order to get out of your harmful relationship.

The love addiction symptoms I've outlined above are just a few of the things you should look out for; however, they are all important because knowing that you have an addiction is half the battle to surviving the addiction unharmed. It is important to remember that when it comes to love addiction, it can still be a bad thing even if the person is perfect for you. Love addiction leads to loss of interest and can easily ruin a promising relationship.

How to Know If someone Loves you Back?

Love can be a very funny emotion. Men and women are very different when it comes to expressing their love for someone, so if you know that you feel that way about him, it can make you really wonder if he feels that same way about you. Of course, if you just come right out and try to get him to talk about this, you probably are going to end up even more frustrated and annoyed with things. There are some clues that you can pick up on that will help you to figure out how he really feels about you.

Here are some signs that he really does love you:

1. He makes a point to schedule things around being with you.
He does not have to always express himself through his words. If he makes it a habit to schedule the things he likes to do around spending time with you, then it probably does mean that you are a priority in his life. And that is probably what worries you the most. To know that you are a priority in his life. As long as his actions are supporting this, then that probably is the way that he feels about you.

2. He includes you in things that involve his family.
It is a big deal to have a guy include you in things that involve being around his family. If you are the one who accompanies him when there is a holiday get together, or if you are the one he brings around when he just wants to drop in and visit with your family, then you can pretty much count on the fact that he has really deep feelings for you. Most men are not going to bring around a woman they are just dating or hooking up with, so this can be a good and clear sign that things are much deeper than that in his eyes.

3. His eyes seem to light up when he looks at you.
Words don't run as deep as the little things that people cannot help but to hide. Body language cues can tell a WHOLE lot about the way that someone feels about another. If his eyes seem to light up when he is looking at you, like he is really enamored with you, then he probably is. Sometimes, these signs are way more important and accurate than any words that he can put together. After all, how many women have been in a situation where their man said he loved them, but did things that proved he felt much differently?

How to know if a girl is falling in love

Falling in Love Signs
Falling in love signs are not the same for everyone, but signs are generally apparent if you know what to look for.

Are you wondering if someone close to you is falling in love? Perhaps it is not someone else's love life you are curious about, have you met someone and cannot seem to get him or her off your mind? Perhaps it is early signs that you are falling in love! Here are a few more common signs that people are falling in love with one another.

Time Together
Do you find that you are spending a great deal of time with this other person? When you meet, someone you connect with it is natural to want to spend a lot of time together. What is surprising to many people is the fact that this time does not have to center around a date or special occasion, you are happy to just hang out and be together. Of course, this happens in the average friendship as well so you may want to look at a few other signs as well.

People who are in love tend to be able to talk about anything and everything. Have you met someone you feel like you have known your entire life and no topic of conversation is boring? You could be falling in love. When you can have a great time talking about mundane topics, such as the weather you know that this relationship is something special.

Another thing you may do when you are falling in love is talk about the other person constantly. Your friends and co-workers will notice this even before you do. When you start seeing people roll their eyes or nod, knowingly when you bring up the other person's name, pay attention, this is definitely one of the falling in love signs.

Friends and Family
Unless you have grown up with the person you are, dating chances are good you do not know their family or closest friends. If you are being introduced and invited to family events or friendly get togethers, there is a strong possibility that someone is falling in love! Depending on the person you are dating, the friend introductions may be even more important than family. Some people do not have close relationships with family members and their opinion carries much less weight than the best friend does. Keep this in mind when meeting either of these people.

Types of Gifts
In the early days of a relationship, you can expect flowers, chocolate or cards but as you get to know each other, you should pay attention to how these gifts change. When you begin to love someone, you want to impress them, not always with flashy gifts but with things that have meaning. Have you always wanted to visit a Civil War battlefield because an ancestor of yours died there? When someone falls in love with you this could be in your future! The point of all this is not the gift itself, but the fact that they are taking the time to really know you and understand what is important.

Figuring out if someone is in love can be a tricky proposition. If it is a friend or family member you are curious about, these signs will tell you a lot. In fact, you may know before they do that they are falling in love! This is a beautiful thing to witness and even more exciting if you are the one it is happening to, love is a mysterious but wonderful thing.

How to Break-Up With a Lover

When two people are together, there are bound to be misunderstandings and disagreements. Some people are able to solve such issues while others decide to quit. When you decide to end your relationship, it is important to let your boyfriend know about it in a polite way. If you show him anger, it would make the conversation unpleasant and lead to further fights.

Break-up hurts not just one but both the partners, therefore it is important to take a firm decision before you announce anything about it. Some people are unable to cope with break-up and they tend to harm themselves. If you think your boyfriend is also very sensitive, you must take extra care while telling him about your plans.

Do not jump to break-up immediately after a fight. Small disagreements look big in the beginning but they lose their importance as time passes. So wait before you end your relationship. Look at your parents and think about their quarrels. If they end their relationship after a small quarrel, it would mean having hundreds of new partners.

Do not blame him or bring out any of his short comings. Do not say that you are breaking-up with him because he didn't do something or he did something you didn't like. Once you have decided to end it, do not blame him for anything. Just tell him politely that you don't think your relationship can work out.

Do not inform him about break-up on e-mail or telephone: Breaking up on phone or email looks simple but it means you don't respect the time you have spent together. Give him respect and meet him in person to break-up.

Do not react: Even if he breaks down or is angry, you must stay neutral. If you too break down or become angry, you will not be able to break-up with him in a decent way. Stay relaxed and calm.
Select a neutral and private spot: Do not take him to a crowded place to break-up. It should be a place where you can talk easily without getting disturbed. Chances are that one of you would show emotions, and you would not want that scene in public. Right?

Do not stretch your meet: It is better to end up quickly because emotions are high during break-up. You will be sad or angry and there can be mixed emotions bringing in tears. The more your stay back, the more difficult it would be to break up with him.

Be prepared to take his anger: Some guys are unable to take rejection and they may say anything to you. You must be prepared to accept the rudest of words from him. You must not get hurt by what he says because he would say everything in anger or emotions. Keep listening and let him vent out whatever he is feeling.

Always remember that you must respect the person you have spent time with. Breaking-up doesn't mean that you stop respecting him and spread rumours about him. He should be the first one to know about break-up and thereafter there should not be any stories doing the rounds. If you say good things about everyone, good things will be said about you too.

How to Show a Girl You Love Them Without Scaring her Off

You love them and you want to let them know but you want to do it in such a way that you do not scare them off. Essentially your problem is how to subtly let them know that you really like them (much more than a friend) without coming on too strongly and overwhelming them so that they bolt. You want to use various understated and under the radar ways to slowly draw them to your side. And your question is; how to do this without scaring them off?

1. Attentively and considerately! To show someone that you care about them you need to be attentive to them and to take into account their feelings, concerns and interests. Nothing shows your interest in a person than listening to them and actually hearing them. To hear them when they talk you need to pay attention and really listen to their words and watch their body language and then let them know that they are interesting to you by asking relevant questions and making appropriate comments. And think about their feelings, concerns and interests even as you are attentive to them and as you listen look out for the needs that they might express even in passing and find a way to meet those needs. At the beginning you want to meet only small needs otherwise you will scare them off if you try to meet a big need in a huge and outlandish manner. And don't rush in to meet all their needs like superman (or is it prince charming) but start in small ways with an attitude of concern for them. Treat them cordially and ensure that you do not hurt their feelings by saying or doing inappropriate things. And if you tell them that you will do something for them or you will be with them at a specific time then you need to do as you said and do not inconvenience them.

2. With warmth and friendliness. To show someone that you love them you need to treat them with warmth and to be their friend. Being indifferent, cool and aloof may work for your non romantic interests but if you really like them and want them to know then you need to thaw out. As a friend you will have fun with them; you will talk about everyday and serious things with them; you will tell them your secrets and you will keep their secrets; and you will stand up for them when others criticise them and you will stand with them during tough times. You will thus be affectionately engaged in their life as a true friend.

3. Intentionally! All these things you will do on purpose. So you need to determine in your heart that you will do these things even when you would rather focus on yourself. The person you like and are behaving like this to will slowly begin to reciprocate but you must be the initiator and the one who carries the relationship until the person you like reciprocates all that you feel. To show someone your love requires your inner motivation and purpose that this is something you want and are willing to invest in otherwise you will run out of energy and patience.

4. With your ability and practically. To show your love you must do things for the object of your affection. You know the saying 'words are cheap' well it is true and you just cannot speak yourself into a relationship without doing any deeds of love. You will need to use your resources which will include your money, your time and your gifts to do imaginative and memorable things or deeds for the one you love. Only your imagination and your resources can limit what you can do.

To show someone your love requires that you implement all of these 4 components. As your love becomes clear and obvious to them they will in turn reciprocate but make sure that at the appropriate time you let them know that yours is a romantic interest and not just friendship. There is nothing more frustrating than being treated only as a friend by someone you love and want more from.

How Can I Find Love? Find Your Hidden Obstacles

So, you've created the vision of your ideal relationship. Perhaps you've crafted a comprehensive "soulmate wish list." You know what you want (at least you think you do). But HE IS NOT SHOWING UP.
"Why do they tell us to create a list of what we want?" - You ask yourself. "To make it clearer that I want the impossible? If he hasn't shown up for 15 years that I've been waiting, maybe, it's just not meant for me to have the love I want." And you close your doors...

Please, don't be in a hurry to resign. If it's not happening, there are very clear, distinct reasons for that. Your task is to identify these reasons and adjust, shift your mindset to remove the blockages that stand in the way of your desire.

What kind of blockages?
Take a moment, step aside of your usual flow of thought, and ask yourself a question:
"How open am I really, to the reality of meeting and uniting my ideal life partner?"
You may be open to it consciously, but on the subconscious level you are pushing away the fulfillment of your desire.

Our belief system is formed based on our life experience. Often, strong beliefs and reactive behavior patterns come as a result of childhood trauma. If you haven't been able to create a successful relationship for many years, this has probably strengthened your unconscious assumption that "you are not destined" to have it.
So, what keeps you from attracting your ideal relationship, is a set of limiting beliefs about yourself and others.
These beliefs reside deep in your subconscious mind, and control most of your behavior.
Throughout my work with clients I've identified clusters of most common issues that stand in the way of attracting love. I say "clusters" because they usually are related to each other forming a chain reaction of negative behavior patterns that sabotage your relationships.

Your number one enemy: "I am not worthy."
Lack of self-worth is the most common and most damaging belief. Before you can have a healthy relationship with someone else, you have to learn to love and value yourself. This was my problem for a while and it was destroying my relationships until I gained awareness and was able to clearly see that that's what had been driving my choice of partners.

If you believe that there is "something wrong with you", that you are "not as good as others" in some way, that you are "not complete" and need to find a partner to complete you; then you become too attached to the relationship. You can't lose it; it feels if you lose it, you'll lose yourself. This dramatic undercurrent shows through. Your partner will sense it and he will feel trapped. At some point he will feel the need to break out from your hold and leave.

If you have a pattern of attracting men that can't commit to you, if you feel that you give a lot and get very little in return, it is likely that on some level you don't feel worthy of having a great relationship.
Another way in which this issue shows up is that you will tend to choose partners who are "damaged" in some way, for whom it would be difficult to find another woman. You know they will be really attached to you, value you, and never leave you. Relationships that are based on co-dependence may last for a while, but they won't make you happy.

Do you think that there isn't the right man for you out there?
A negative generalization like "men are... (fill in the blank)", or "all the good ones are taken", represent another cluster of commonly observed limiting beliefs. Statistically, you may be right. At a certain age there are probably fewer available men who are up to your standards and willing to be in a committed relationship. Maybe...

But statistics is the law of large numbers. It has nothing to do with your unique ability to find The One. You need only one, remember? You have to open yourself up to that possibility. If you believe it's impossible, you are pushing him away. Don't be attached to a particular image of him that you created for yourself. He may not look like your image, but he will have the qualities that are most important for you. He should be able to give you what you most yearn for in a relationship.

Are you too busy?
I work primarily with professional women. I often hear "I am too busy to date." If you are a career woman or a business owner, you know it takes dedication to create a change in your life, to achieve any goal. Transforming your relationship patterns and attracting a life partner: how big of a change do you think that will be? How important is it to you? How much of a commitment will this require?

You have to make a space in your life for the new relationship: a space in your mindset, a space in your thought process, a space in your heart, and a space in your schedule.
"When I meet the right man, I will stop being too busy."

It doesn't work that way. You have to create a room first, and then you will be making choices that will lead you to meeting the right man. You will literally "attract" him if you create the space, and you will severely limit your chances if you don't.

So, what are your obstacles?

The trick is to be able to step aside, identify the specific beliefs that stand in your way, and dissolve them; shift your mindset and take a different perspective on these things. You will then become a different person, someone who is open, warm and inviting; someone who is magnetic to love.

How to Ge the Love You Want and Keep It

It can be very hard finding someone that has all the qualities that you're looking for in a significant other. It can be even harder keeping the love you find.

If you're interested in getting the love you want, then you need to start by loving yourself. It's best that you focus on yourself by making yourself a better person. That way, you won't feel like you need to find someone to complete you as a person. You'll fare much better in finding someone if you're happy by yourself first.
If you're trying to find love, then it's also important that you stay positive. You won't attract many positive things in your life if you're always negative. You should stay positive and hopeful that the special person for you will enter your life.

This doesn't always mean that your special someone will appear soon. You don't have the ability to set love's schedule. You may not want to wait that long, but it can sometimes take years for getting the love you want. It's important that you stay patient.

Most people have experienced heartbreak at some point in their lifetime. It can really have an effect on future relationships. If someone of the opposite sex has done you wrong in the past, it's important that you don't view everyone else in that negative light. There are bad apples in every bunch.

If you're really interested in getting the love you want, then you'll need to make yourself available. You can't expect to find someone if you're always stuck in the house. Therefore, try to participate in as many activities as possible. This will allow you to meet more people, one of which will hopefully be someone perfect for you.
It's also important that you're not too picky when it comes to getting the love you want. If you're too picky, you might disregard someone that would be perfect for you. Always remember that no one is perfect, so you need to keep your options open.

If you already have the perfect companion, then you'll need to go about keeping the love you find. Over time, we tend to get comfortable with our partners. Many make the mistake of letting themselves go since they're not interested in attracting anyone else. However, it's best that you stay attractive to your mate.

Sex is also important when it comes to keeping the love you find. Every couple needs to have a healthy sexual relationship. If the two of you aren't experiencing that physical connection, it will make the emotional connection that much harder.

If you want to keep your partner, then it's also important that the two of you spend quality time together. This can be difficult with today's busy lifestyles. However, your relationship should remain your number one priority no matter what.

As important as it is to spend quality time together, it's just as important that you have space from each other. If you don't, then one or both of you will end up feeling suffocated by the relationship. This can lead to a quick downward fall.

Being accepting of your partner's family members and friends is also important in keeping the love you find. Family and friends are an important part of our lives. If you don't get along with your partner's friends and family members, then it will make your relationship much more difficult. He or she may have to end up choosing, and you wouldn't want that to happen. You might find yourself on the short end of the stick.