How to Find True Love

Do you wish you really knew how to find true love? Are you ready to try almost anything to find the man of your dreams? Are you tired of casual dating and ready to settle down with the right guy? Casual dating can be fun, but the time comes when you're ready to settle down with the guy you love and have a real future. If you feel that you've struck out when it comes to knowing how to find true love, start by answering a few questions from the experts:

How to seduce girls

Before I commence on what seducing a girl is and should be let me mention a number of things to you, yes I mean you reading this article the guy who really wants to know how to seduce girls like a fisherman lures and catches fishes. Before you ever think of seducing a girl let the following things be made clear to you.

1.   Not every girl can be seduced or caught
Some girls are too full of themselves. Trying to seduce such girls is a waste of time (regardless of their looks and compunctment) as they are in a world of their own (totally unrealistic and problematic). They are better left to be on their own. In this class of girls are the gold digging, ass kissing, egotistical,

How to win your girlfriend's heart

I make no claim to explaining the intricacies of the female mind. An encyclopedia might conceivably scratch the surface of the intriguing subject. However, it can be stated with some certainty that, as a rule:

Girlfriends admire at all time:
Good clothes, Good grooming, Self -confidence, Masculinity, Good manners, Good health.

Girlfriends Dislike:
-Conceit, Smutly humor, Swearing, Uncouthness, Effeminacy
-And since woman take great of such thing where as men are apt not to bother: halitosis and body odour.
7 ways To Wining Your Girlfriends Heart are:

How to win your boyfriend's heart

Men are perhaps more predictable in their likes and dislikes. Generally speaking:
Boyfriends like and Respect:
A healthy figure, Attractive but not theatrical clothes, Good grooming, Charm, Personality, Good manners, Femininity, Silence when the situation requires.

Boyfriends can’t stand:
Chatterboxes, Dabbing and wiping make-up in public, Over-demonstrativeness when people are looking, Any assumption that wedding bells are ringing simply because you have met twice.
6 ways of wining your boyfriends' heart are:

How to approach Girls

As you may already know, women are not the easiest creatures for most men to figure out. We all know that there are times when you are left scratching your head, wondering why women do the things they do.
You also know that being around beautiful women is much better than being around a bunch of guys. So, somewhere along the way, you have to learn what women respond to and how to create attraction. That is, IF you want to really succeed at getting the attention from women that you crave.

How to date beautiful women

Have you ever thought that you could date a beautiful woman? I think that everybody has had this dream, this desire, but at some point in time, we give up all hopes that this will happen. You might start to thank, oh well, I just have to be a little more realistic in my goals and expectations. The funny thing is, you can just as easily attract and date beautiful women as you can an average looking girl.
Here are some important tips for men that would help them can date beautiful women:

How to Recover When Your Relationship Ends

When a love affair ends against your wishes it leaves many painful feelings. Research into common feelings following loss show that there is a fairly predictable pattern to these emotions. Of course, we are all different and the sequence of feelings may be different for you and indeed you may revisit some of them more than once. But just knowing that they common responses can be a comfort. You're not alone or going crazy.
Initially, the first reaction is often shock, an inability to take in what is being said. This shock leads to disbelief that the relationship is at an end. We simply cannot take in the enormity of what is happening.

Gradually as we begin to believe the situation anger sets in and we rage against what is happening to us. This stage often last quite a lot time and can be mixed with the next stage - guilt. At this stage we think 'If only I'd done that/if only I hadn't done this.. they'd still love me'. And because none of us is perfect there is always something we can choose to feel guilty about.

Then we begin bargaining, perhaps offering to behave differently if the loved one comes back to us, or offering something to God if the situation is reversed. But if this fails we can sink into low moods, a depression which can last some time before we gradually come out of it and accept that our life is now changed and start to look forward.

Sometimes, sadly, people get stuck at one of these stages. I remember someone telling me about her divorce. She was still very much at the angry stage and I assumed her break-up had been recent. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It had been nine years before and she was absolutely unable to move forward from the angry stage. She desperately needed help to get over the hurt and start afresh. Getting through these stages would normally not take more than two years and sometimes much less depending on the length of the relationship and other factors.

But there are steps you can take to reduce the strength and duration of that loss period. Here are some really effective ones. The idea of all of them is to reduce the incidence of triggered sad feelings from being reminded of the lost love.