Ever wondered why a beautiful woman is almost always out of your reach? Why a normal looking guy has a beautiful girlfriend and the handsome hunk is single? Do you think beautiful girls will not accept your proposal because you are not good looking, short heighted, not rich or because of other reasons?

Before we answer your questions and clear your doubts, you must develop a positive feeling in your heart and mind about how good you look and how easily you can have any girl in your life. Once you start believing in this, you may begin reading the rest of the article.
So let’s begin by analyzing how men and women think. It is said that men think from mind and women from heart. To some extent this is true. But when it comes to dating, attraction is different for men and women. We can say that men like what they see and women like what can never be seen but only felt. So when you see a beautiful girl, you start liking her, start admiring her beautiful long legs, her eyes, her perfect figure but when she ignores you, you feel you are physically not attractive to have such a beautiful girl in your life. The fact is that women believe in the personality of a man. They do not go by how tall you are or how rich you are but how good is your personality, how good is your sense of humour. Ofcourse money and looks do matter for females but not to the extent it matters for men.
Your qualities judge whether or not the woman will be sexually aroused by you. Women get turned on when they like the personality traits of men. Show your intelligence, your sense of humour, your spontaneity and your strength – she will without any doubt fall for you. To sustain her attraction for you, you must maintain the same behavior.
So what we learn here is that it is possible for you to have any girl in your life through your personality traits. While men get attracted to women physically by just looking at them, women take time and get attracted to men through interaction.