Approaching girls is amongst the few things that make men actually sweat. Of course some of the guys find it easy approaching the girl sitting next to them without any fear of rejection, but there are many who find this as the toughest job in the matters of the heart. Not all guys know the tricks to approach girls but almost all girls know your ‘approaching’ tricks already. So come with new tricks guys!
Why is that approaching a girl is is so difficult for boys or for that matter even men? Approaching a girl actually comes with the ‘Fear of Rejection’. It is this fear that keeps men from going and saying something to the girls. It is so strong among most men that they are even tongue tied and when they try to say some thing, they end up uttering something stupid without even realizing what they are saying. The trick therefore is to know how to approach girls using a method that is creative and is unknown to the girl.

When approaching a girl, the first thing to remember is to accept rejection and move on. There is nothing like a fixed formula to approach a girl, but certain ways that can make your chances of rejection really minimal. But in case you face rejection, you must move on. Learn to cope with them because taking rejection in your stride is a sign of maturity.
No matter how advanced ways guys use, most girls usually fail them as they are usually updated on the latest approaching techniques used by guys. So if you are updated with the latest techniques, even she is updated with latest tricks doing the rounds. So what can you do about it? May be just do something that surprises her or exhibit a positive body language that works in your favour!
Body language is as important as using the right words. While approaching girls, remember to not have drooping shoulders or be nervous else your chances of getting rejected would become higher. This is because women like confident men who they can depend on. At the same time, do not be over confident or act very smart. When you show her positive body language, she will also give you some indication showing her interest in you, like laughing at your jokes or touching you lightly while laughing. If nothing like this happens, you must understand that she is not interested and not harass her with repeated indications of approaching her.
The best thing that works is being yourself because that makes you confident and you really don’t have to act. Appreciate her and compliment her because you know every girl loves to be complimented but don’t overdo that because as mentioned earlier ‘girls know all your tricks.’