If you think a girl is really hot and is approached by many men then simply ignore her, not literally but pretend to ignore her when she is around. She will start paying more attention to you and may even start running after you.
Remember to compliment her when you meet. If they are fake, make them appear genuine else you will look like liar.
When looking for a serious relationship, do not go and ask her to be friends. Create moments and chances of interaction with her while being in a group. This will automatically make you her friend. Gradually you can increase your friendship and take it to the next level, depending upon her liking for you.
Remember to shave and use a good smelling perfume when you meet her. Also, the clothes you wear should be well ironed and shoes polished. Do not dress up formally and also do not be too casual. Look easy going and relaxed. Make the girl comfortable by your relaxed attitude.
During your conversations, do not bring up sensitive issues like religions or politics. If you ask about family, remember to be very careful as she may or may not have a parent or a sibling. Be polite in your conversations and do not become aggressive or defensive while discussing any issue.
While she is talking, listen to her and do make eye-contacts. Girls like to be heard. If you keep listening to her patiently, chances are that she may like to meet you again and again.
Maximize eye contact and minimize looking at her breast. Once she considers you desperate, she would never like to meet you again.
Girls like guys with good sense of humour. Make her laugh and crack jokes but not too much, else she will think you are a clown. Cheer her so that she turns to you all the time.

Keep some distinction between friendship and love. If you continue to listen to all her instructions and keep following her, chances are that she will put you in the category of friends. To avoid this, show to her that you have special feelings for her.
A girl will not give you a call after the first date. She will instead wait for you to respond. If you have liked her, respond at the earliest and add some compliments too. She will be forced to meet you again.
Compliment her qualities instead of her attributes. Compliment her patience, her writing skills, her attitude towards work or parents instead of complimenting her looks, beauty and style. She will feel like an achiever in life and increase your chances of becoming her partner.
When you become quite friendly with her, give funny answers to her endless and serious questions. She will like your sense of humour.
Break the traditional rule of red roses. Gift her some wild flowers from a good florist. She will like the thought and time you gave to the gift.
Do not start asking her about how and what she feels for you during your first few dates. Asking this too early will make her run away. Wait for her to express it herself through actions or words.
Keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs. Women like intelligent men. So you must have answers to her questions and during discussions.
Avoid phone calls when with her. Rejecting calls before her will make her feel special.
Insist on paying the restaurant bill else the girl will think you are broke.