One of the easiest and quickest ways to write a poem is using a format called an acrostic. An is where every line starts with a letter of a word that is displayed vertically. For example:acrostic poem
In case you were in doubt that my
Love is not true, remember this
Only you can make me feel
Vulnerably, completely and
Entirely in love with
Only and always
Unconditionally you
Note that if you look at the first letter of each line, you will see "I love you" written vertically. This is an especially fun format when you use your names. For example, Jason Loves Julie, or My Love Teresa. You do not need to write sentences like in the example above. A simple word for each line is more than appropriate. To help, in the process, listed below are a few adjectives for each letter of the alphabet.
Addiction Advice Affair Affection Agape Anniversaries Aphrodisiac Athena Beautiful Beauty Bedroom Behold Betroth Breakup Bride Candle Care Cassinova Chocolate Climax Cologne Commitment Companion Compassionate Compatibility Dance Delectable Delight | Diamond Emotion Endorphins Engagement Erotic Eyes Flirting Flowers Friendship Gallant Gesture Grand Gratifying Groom Heart Heartbreak Honesty Infatuation Intimacy Irrestible Kind Kindle Kiss Kissing Knight Libido Lingerie Loving | Lust Manogomy Marriage Mood Orgasm Oysters Partner Passion Prowess Quickie Relationship Remarriage Respect Romance Roses Seduction Sensuality Sexual Single Spiritual Spouse Surprise Undesired Unrequited Valentine Values Wedding Wisdom |
Line 1: Title (noun) - 1 word
Line 2: Description - 2 words
Line 3: Action - 3 words
Line 4: Feeling (phrase) - 4 words
Line 5: Title (synonym for the title) - 1 word
An example cinqain:
Exquisite, divine
Need to touch
Wishing you were here
Cinqains are great when sent as a quick loving note in an email, at the end of a letter or hidden in a special place for your partner to find.
The last of our three poems is a personal favorite. There are so many ways to present this poem that every one you make will always feel individual and personal to your partner. What could this fun format be? A rebus love poem of course! You probably already know that a rebus is a message made out of pictures. When you create a rebus love poem, you make it mostly out of pictures. You can choose to draw images, use stickers or find free clip art online. You are only limited by your imagination. In fact, one creative way to write a rebus love poem is with miniature (or full size for a BIG impression) candy bars. Here is an example rebus poem.