The largest human penis in history

In popular mythology, a small organ is still thought to signal a totally inadequate lover. All the best books tell us that this idea is absurd but nonetheless the notion persists.
What can we say of penis size? How big is the biggest? One of the major problems is who to measure it. If men measure their own organs, they are likely to exaggerate the results: it is not an area in which there are abundant objective surveys. And women too may exaggerate the size of a particular penis in their acquaintance.
Walter (of My Secret Life) demonstrated this clearly enough: a woman spoke of a penis as being 7 inches long or even more. Yet the ‘very large penis’ measured by Walter turned out to be significantly les than 7 inches.
According to Wardell B. Pomeroy, the Kinsey co-worker, the longest penis encountered was10 inches. This figure accords quite well with the results of the special Forum Survey into penis size. In this careful and detailed survey, published in 1970, the largest penis was found to be 9.5 inches in erection, hardly able to compete with the vast organs of pornographic fictions.
In an earlier inter-racial survey, Dr. Jacobu’s 1935 publication – ‘L’Ethnologie du sens Genitale’, larger dimensions were recorded. In this survey, organs nearly 12 inches in length were reported.
Of all penis sizes quoted in literature, the largest is unquestionably the 14 inches erect organ mentioned by Dr. Davie Reuben in ‘Everything you Always Wanted to Know About Sex’. But as no source is quoted perhaps we should not take too much notice of this figure. The largest well attested penises would seem to be between 10 and 12 inches in the erect state.