How to Know If a Man Loves You

You have found the most perfect guy, you are happy with him and you think you love him. Your world is perfect and you think your life is one rosy picture except for one thing- you don't know if this perfect man you are dreaming of sharing a life with loves you. This is a dilemma most women are faced with.

Men are not very expressive with their feelings and when it comes to communicating directly about feelings of the heart, many men shy away. Then how do you know if your boyfriend or partner is in love with you? There are certain sings by which you can tell without your man telling you in so any words that he loves you.

He should reciprocate your feelings.

You will know if your man shares the same feelings for you by the way he behaves with you. He should reciprocate your feelings of being happy when with you. Also the chemistry you share will give you a clue about his feelings for you. If the rapport you share with him is mind blowing and you can stay content with him without the either of you uttering a word then he is sure to be in love with you. Even the best of actors cannot fake genuine chemistry or rapport with their partners.

He should be comfortable with you around him all the time.

Another telltale sign of your man's feelings for you is whether he is comfortable being around you. If he is extremely comfortable with you around him 24x7, be it early in the morning or in the middle of the night, then he is ready to share a life with you and nuts about you. If he discovers small weird habits of yours and finds them cute then you know he is the one for you.

If he shows genuine interest in you.

When your man wants to know more about you or he tries his best to get to know you better then you can tell he is in love with you. He may not ask you questions directly but he will grab an opportunity to know you better like when something about your childhood comes up, or maybe the discussion about a place you've holidayed in the past. These small details will open up ways for him to discover more facets about your life.

If he is perplexing in certain contexts.

If your man finds it difficult to explain why he is a certain way in some situations or he seems lost for words to explain himself to you then you know he possesses deep, strong feelings for you. When you realize that the man you love shares the same, emotionally strong feelings for you then the joy you experience is something incomparable. If you are lucky enough to find true love then you must thank god and hold on to your partner for life.