You were not born with any knowledge on how to seduce a woman. No man is. You are expected to pick up the techniques that work through trial and error and maybe through the advice of some of your male friends and hopefully, that will be enough to guide you to the point where you can pretty much seduce any woman you desire. Well, I think we all know how that turns out. You end up feeling like you really don't know much at all and any successes that you do have... they tend to be random, hit or miss successes at best.
What if there were a couple of must follow tips that could guide you into being able to seduce any woman you desire?
Good news for you... there are a few must follow tips that will help you out. Now, before I get into those tips, you do have to realize that no one can really lay down an entire formula that will work on all women. There are so many little nuances to seducing a woman properly, that you kind of do have to pick up some skills through trial and error and experience and there is no way to get around that.
There are some tips that will help you out and have a much better chance though. From these tips, you kind of have to test and tweak your methods so that you can find a way that works for you and a way that you can use in almost any situation.
What are these 3 must follow secrets on how to seduce a woman you need to know?
1. To seduce a woman, a man has to understand what she responds to is way more important than what she says she likes.
A classic example of this is the almost cliche way that women will talk about how they only want to meet good guys with good jobs and sweet hearts and then they fall for the first 'bad boy' that comes along. It happens all of the time and it is a great example of why you need to pay attention to what she responds to more than what it is that she says she wants.
2. If you want to be good at seducing women, then you need to become social with women.
Any guy I know that really, really is good at being able to seduce a woman into bed, he is also very good at socializing with women. The best part about this is, when you make it a point to socialize with women more often, you begin to really pick up on things that you would not otherwise and that can help you to make much stronger connections with any woman you meet.
3. The third must follow tip is that you must be able to embrace getting brushed off by a woman.
Look, no basketball player makes every shot. No baseball player can bat a thousand. No starting quarterback finishes the season without any interceptions. Things are not always going to work out the way that you want them to and you have to be able to handle this and learn from it. If you can, then eventually you will get to the point where your successes outweigh your failures by a long shot.
What if there were a couple of must follow tips that could guide you into being able to seduce any woman you desire?
Good news for you... there are a few must follow tips that will help you out. Now, before I get into those tips, you do have to realize that no one can really lay down an entire formula that will work on all women. There are so many little nuances to seducing a woman properly, that you kind of do have to pick up some skills through trial and error and experience and there is no way to get around that.
There are some tips that will help you out and have a much better chance though. From these tips, you kind of have to test and tweak your methods so that you can find a way that works for you and a way that you can use in almost any situation.
What are these 3 must follow secrets on how to seduce a woman you need to know?
1. To seduce a woman, a man has to understand what she responds to is way more important than what she says she likes.
A classic example of this is the almost cliche way that women will talk about how they only want to meet good guys with good jobs and sweet hearts and then they fall for the first 'bad boy' that comes along. It happens all of the time and it is a great example of why you need to pay attention to what she responds to more than what it is that she says she wants.
2. If you want to be good at seducing women, then you need to become social with women.
Any guy I know that really, really is good at being able to seduce a woman into bed, he is also very good at socializing with women. The best part about this is, when you make it a point to socialize with women more often, you begin to really pick up on things that you would not otherwise and that can help you to make much stronger connections with any woman you meet.
3. The third must follow tip is that you must be able to embrace getting brushed off by a woman.
Look, no basketball player makes every shot. No baseball player can bat a thousand. No starting quarterback finishes the season without any interceptions. Things are not always going to work out the way that you want them to and you have to be able to handle this and learn from it. If you can, then eventually you will get to the point where your successes outweigh your failures by a long shot.
When you know how to seduce a woman, you will understand things about women that most guys just NEVER will...