How to Make a Woman Fall in Love

You know that you are really in love with a woman and the biggest fear that you have in your mind is that she may not feel the same exact way about you. You are fearful that you could blow it, and that is not something that you really want to even think about. The very thought that she could somehow get away from you is frightening to say the least. So, you want to know what are some mistakes that you could make that would win up costing you her love?

It's nice to be optimistic about things, especially when it relates to love and relationships, but you need to be somewhat realistic. Many men have made the mistake of thinking that they have things sewn up with a woman, only to find that somehow, some way they wound up doing something to drive her away from them.

Here are a few mistakes that will cost you her love, so do not make them:

1) Telling her that you love her before she feels the same way about you.
In a perfect world, this would never be a mistake. In a perfect world, saying "I love you" to a woman would always be a good thing and would never drive a woman away. We all know that this is not a perfect world, though. We all know that life can take some interesting twists and turns. Saying I love you too early can easily drive a woman away from you, so be sure that you are not speeding things up to fast by declaring that this is how you feel about her.

2) Trying too hard to be the perfect guy when you are around her.
Why would this cost you her love? Well, for one, when you are trying too hard to be perfect- it's only natural that you would end up messing up somewhere. You are not perfect, neither is she and that is okay. The problem with trying to come across as being too perfect around a woman is that you are not being real. You are putting on an act and it is unnatural. Don't worry about being the perfect man, because the perfect man does not exist.

3) Teasing her about the WRONG things.
Playfully teasing a woman is a great way to make her really want you, and when a woman feels like she really wants you, it's a short distance to love. However, there are things that each woman has that you should never tease her about. These are the things that she is extra sensitive about, and they are different for each woman. Tease her about the wrong things and you will end up blowing a good thing and lose her love along the way.