At the close of each day, you have the choice to either ignore your partner or embrace the opportunity for intimacy. Tonight, shake things up a bit and choose one of the great ideas below to help you enjoy that special time with your lover.
- A massage is the perfect way to end an evening with your lover. Get to know your lover's body while pampering them with your relaxing touch.
- Read to each other from a favorite novel, book of poetry, or erotica. If you don't already have some, LYC has plenty of reader-submitted romantic stories, poems, and erotica to choose from.
- Turn on some music and slow dance in your PJ's. If you really want to romance them, choose the song you first danced to as husband and wife.
- Turn off the TV. It's not that cuddling in front of the tube isn't romantic, but TV time has a tendency to intrude on intimacy. Making the choice to focus completely on each other opens the door to romantic opportunities.
- Wear sexy night clothes. It doesn't have to be lingerie, but it should be more than an old T-shirt and boxer shorts.
- Talk about your favorite memories together. Remember your childhood friends, compare scars, reminisce about the stress of your engagement, or look through the photos of vacations you took together. If you are keeping a love journal, make a timeline of special times to tuck inside.
- Before making your way to the bedroom, lie with each other in front of the fire and kiss, kiss, and kiss some more.
- Take a bath together. Nothing makes a night's sleep sweeter than a nice relaxing bath before slipping between the sheets, so why not do it together? Wash each other's hair and cuddle up in the bubbles together.
- Have a bedtime picnic before hitting the pillow. Some good menu ideas may include a snack tray of cheese and crackers or champagne and strawberries, or it could also be something sweet like cake and ice cream.
- Lie in bed together listening to music and holding each other.