Fill your relationship tool box with the ABCs of Love. From sex to confrontation, romance to personal growth, the alphabet of love covers every tip you will ever need to become his ultimate partner.
The perfect recipe for a successful relationship is the combination of two devoted people and the right relationship tools. This simply-put guide to love may be the only one you will ever need. Post it on your fridge, at your desk, on your bathroom mirror, or anywhere else you are likely to look at it every day. Practice your ABC's until they become second nature, and you can be sure your love will last.
- Advocate for your lover whenever they need you.
- Be a great team player.
- Collect your thoughts before a confrontation.
- Discuss, don't nag.
- Exercise your ability to turn them on.
- Find new adventures to embark on together.
- Give them reasons why you love them each and every day.
- Hold your partner's hand while you walk down the street.
- Include each other in decision making.
- Judge not the mistakes of the past.
- Kiss slowly, forgive quickly.
- Learn your partner's love language.
- Make love when he needs to be loved.
- Never put him down in front of others.
- Open your mind to change.
- Plan grand gestures of love for them every so often.
- Quit your bad habits.
- Resist temptation.
- Support to your partner's dreams and desires.
- Trust your partner more than you trust anyone else.
- Underestimate not the power of praise.
- Value his attributes and strengths.
- Welcome his advice.
- X out selfishness.
- Yield and compromise when your partner needs you to.
- Zeal and creativity is how you please him between the sheets.